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Nursing Newborn

Services Offered

  • In Home consults

  • Follow-up consults

  • Virtual consults

  • prenatal consults

  • Returning to work consults

  • Pumping and flange fitting consults

  • multiples consults

What to expect during the consult

Initial consult - 1 1/2 to 2 hours on average.  You will be provided with information to register for an online portal to complete intake forms and where you will access your care plan.  It really helps to save you time to have the forms done before the consult as it enables me to review them first and become more familiar with how best to help you.  Each initial in home consultation will provide the following care:


  • Discussion and review of maternal/infant history​

  • pre/post weighted feed on digital scale to help determine infant's approximate intake during feeding.

  • Physical assessment of mother and infant oral anatomy (including assessing for oral ties and making appropriate referral to preferred providers).

  • Observation and guidance with feeding including optimal latch and positioning techniques, help with using a breast pump (including sizing for proper flange fit) or any other aids needed and used during a feeding.  

  • Formulating a detailed care plan tailored to the needs of you and your baby.  

  • Communicating with any other members of care team (pediatrician, OB/Gyn, midwife, pediatric dentist (including pediatric airway and tongue tie specialists) or ENT, OT/SLP, feeding specialists, bodyworkers, etc. and providing them a detailed report.  

  • Telephone and email follow-up support provided with all consultations.  ​


A follow-up visit may be advised and will be scheduled if needed.  These typically last about 1/2 to 1 hour and encompass the above as needed.  


Prenatal consultations will involve comprehensive education and resources to prepare to breastfeed and/or pump and will emphasis getting off to a great start after birth as well as how to navigate through the first few weeks after the birth of the baby or babies.



How to prepare for the consult


Please have available and ready any supplies which you typically use for a feeding such as:  bottles ready for feed, pump or any other breastfeeding aids used.  It also helps for baby to have last fed approximately 1-2 hours before the consultation to be comfortably ready for feeding but not "hangry".  Of course, if you do have a hangry baby, you can give a small amount to tide them over till the consultation. 


Questions About Our Services

Why seek an IBCLC?

The International Lactation Consultant Association states, "International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) function and contribute as members of the maternal child health team.  They provide care in a variety of settings, while making appropriate referrals to other health professionals and community support resources.  Working together with mothers, families, policymakers and society, IBCLC certificants provide expert breastfeeding and lactation care, promote changes that support breastfeeding and help reduce the risk of not breastfeeding", (ILCA 2016).


What types of breastfeeding/lactation issues can you help with?

Latch and positioning issues including non-latching infants, engorgement, sore nipples/breasts including thrush, plugged ducts/ mastitis, flat/inverted nipples, breast surgery (including augmentation or reduction), milk supply issues (reduced or oversupply), infant weight gain issues including how to work with supplementation, tongue/lip tie issues, nipple shield use and help with weaning from a nipple shield,  infant food intolerances, starting solid foods, breastfeeding beyond infancy, tandem nursing, breastfeeding multiples, relactation/induced lactation, pumping (including exclusive pumping and flange fitting), returning to work, etc.  


What are the consultation fees and are consults covered under health insurance?

We are now contracted with a third party biller The Lactation Network through which your insurance may be covered.  To find out if your insurance company is covered through The Lactation Network, please use my direct link at: or visit their website at and request a consultation with Nurturing Nature Lactation Services.  You will be notified by TLN if you will be covered for 6 lactation consultations.  If your insurance isn't covered then you would need to cover the fee for services at time of the consultation and you will be provided with a form (lactation superbill) to submit to your insurance company directly.  This form will contain the diagnostic codes needed to process the claim for the consultation.  Note that individual insurance companies have different policies and not all will reimburse the consultation fee in full or partially.  You may check with your insurance company to see what their policy is on covering lactation services.    We are also contracting through Wildflower Health for families whose insurance is through Cigna.  For more information please visit


SELF-PAY FEES (all self-pay consultations also include phone/email support):


Initial 1 1/2 to 2 hour consultation:  $200


Follow-up 1 hour consultation:  $175 - If reserved at time of initial consultation it is $150


Virtual 1 hour consultation:  $100


Multiples consultation:  $300 for initial, $250 for follow-up and same fee for virtual consults


Travel fee over 30 minutes from Chantilly, VA):  $30


What further support do you provide after the consultation?

 Our goal is to help provide you and your family with as much support as you feel is needed.  You will be contacted within several days of your initial consultation and then will continue with telephone or email support as needed.   If necessary, a follow-up in home or virtual consultation can be scheduled.  


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